Direct Shading Study

The objective of this exercise is for you to independently validate the results of a direct shading study in ClimateStudio and to thus gain trust in the results. To do so, take a photo of an object of your choice outside at least twice at different times of day under clear sky conditions. Model the object in Rhino and generate two clear sky visualizations under the same sky conditions from about the same perspective as the photo. Present your findings.

Tips: (a) Pay attention to daylight savings time. ClimateStudio uses local standard time as opposed to local daylight savings time. During the winter, the two are the same. During the summer, the latter is one hour delayed. (b) Be sure to carefully align your physical model using a smartphone compass app. An example study by Jeff Geisinger is shown below.

If you are enrolled in 4.401/4.464, please submit a PDF of combined results that is smaller than 10mb (so we can view it in the browser) and not a bunch of single images.

Related Video Tutorial/Handbook Chapter

The shadows in the photographs and visualizations should be the same.